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Banks Dynasty – Day 38.2 (Part 1)

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I wake up to a text from my friend Wild informing me that she has a day off today and is available to take Kai and me to his father. My heart skips a beat as I read the words. I respond that we’ll meet up with her after my last class today.

Today is the day. I find Kai in the living room.

Prosperity: I heard back from my friend Wild in Evergreen Harbor.

Kai immediately closes his book and looks up at me.

Kai: Really?

Prosperity: Yes. She’s going to take us to find your father.

I watch Kai’s face as it cycles through several emotions, from surprise to slight fear, and finally to a big smile.

Kai: When? Can we leave now?

Prosperity: Neither of us can afford to miss class, so it’ll have to wait until we’re both done today.

Kai doesn’t seem too disappointed to hear that.

Kai: Okay

Kai finishes up the last bit of homework. And I excuse myself to get dressed and go outside to work on my final presentation. Kai descends the stairs soon after. I can only imagine what he might be feeling now that he’s finally going to get a chance to meet his father.

Kai returns home from school at the end of the day, and I finally get a chance to ask him how he’s feeling.

Prosperity: Are you sure you’re okay with this?

Kai: I don’t know. I’m not sure what I’ll say to him.

Prosperity: It’ll come to you.

Kai: I hope so.

Prosperity: I’ll be back as soon as my class is over. Then we can go.

Kai: Okay

As I leave for class, it finally hits me that I have my own feelings that I need to deal with when it comes to Craig. I’ll be seeing him for the first time in years, and I’m not sure what to do with that. Any colors that my emotions once associated with him have since dulled to almost nonexistence. Maybe that’ll change when I finally see him again. I leave as Kai enters the house and tries to sort out his emotions.

Evergreen Harbor is a long ferry ride away. A flight would have been faster, but those can be hard to come by on such short notice. We arrive at Wild’s apartment shortly before early evening. She greets me with a big hug, and I match it with a tight squeeze of my own.

Wildflower: I’ve missed you so much!

Prosperity: I’ve missed you, too. It’s been way too long.

Wildflower: And Kai! I haven’t seen you since you were a baby.

Kai grunts a reply. I excuse it because I know he’s not trying to be rude. He’s going through a lot, and we all know that there’s no way that Kai would ever remember Wild.

Wildflower: I want you to meet someone very special to me. She’s the sun to my moon. This is Kimmie.

A beautiful woman with a gorgeous afro walks over. I can tell just from the introduction that Wild adores her.

Prosperity: Nice to meet you, Kimmie.

Kimmie: Nice to meet you, too. I’ve heard so much about you that I feel like I already know you.

I can’t imagine what Wild could have told her about me. I can’t imagine many good things anyway.

Prosperity: Well, anyone special to Wild is special to me.

I can feel Kai’s energy shift to impatience. Apparently, Wild and Kimmie can too.

Wildflower: We can play catch up later. Let’s get to the reason we’re here. Craig doesn’t live too far away, and luckily he’s not the most social person in the world, so unless he’s out on assignment somewhere, he should be home.

Prosperity: So you didn’t tell him we were coming?

Wildflower: What? And give him a chance to disappear on us? Hell no. He doesn’t even know that you and I are still in touch.

Prosperity: Good

Kimmie: Should we head over?

Prosperity: Sure, let’s go.

We take the elevator down and step outside. I wait until Kimmie is a fair distance away before I mention her to Wild.

Prosperity: Kimmie is gorgeous, and I can tell she makes you happy.

Wildflower: Sometimes you get so stuck in the cycle of wanting someone you can’t have…that the Universe has to take over and send you who you need.

Wild’s words are slightly cryptic, making me wonder what she means by that. I recall that conversation that I overheard between her and Piper a long time ago. Could Wild be talking about her or maybe even me?

Craig’s place is walking distance from Wild’s, so we walk down a few blocks until we arrive. Craig is standing outside.

Kimmie: Well, the good news is that he’s home.

Wildflower: Yes, and now the question is, should we all go over together? Or would that overwhelm him?

Kimmie: Who cares what he thinks or feels. This is about Kai.

Kimmie is correct, 100%.

I turn to Kai for the answer.

Prosperity: How do you want to handle this, sweetheart?

Kai: I’ll go by myself.

Kimmie gently touches Kai’s hand in encouragement.

Kimmie: Good for you, hon. But we’ll be here if you need us.

I love how Kimmie is readily willing to offer her support, although she just met us.

Prosperity: You see that bench over there?

I nod towards a bench not too far away.

Prosperity: We’ll be right over there if you need us.

Kai: Okay, ma.

Kai takes a deep breath, turns, and begins walking towards Craig.

(Generation 2 Chapter Summaries)

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