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Banks Dynasty – Day 4.3 (Part 1)

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It’s New Year’s Eve, and Peri has made plans with Waddell for later. So, she heads out to the nearby salon for some pampering and perhaps a new hairstyle to prepare for her date.

After getting a fresh manicure, she checks to see if her regular stylist is available.

Prosperity: Is Darius scheduled to come in today?

Manicurist: He should be here any minute.

About 10 minutes later, Darius arrives.

Darius: Let me guess, you’re ready for something completely different.

Prosperity: Yep

Darius: *continues* And you have no idea what that is.

Prosperity: Not at all. How’d you know?

Darius: It’s the only time you show up with no appointment.

Prosperity: Blame my impulsiveness – so, any ideas?

Darius: You know I’ve got you, girl!

Peri sits down in the stylist’s chair, and Darius closes his eyes to envision what sort of style would look good on her.

I refuse to spend another New Year alone, so I come up with my New Year’s Resolution – to find a girlfriend. But, of course, that’s not going to happen while I’m in the house, and it probably won’t happen at the gym, so I head over to the local café. I grab something quick to eat and talk to my high school friend, Wesley.

After catching up with Wesley, I sit down at the counter to see who shows up. But I immediately feel stupid, and it’s creepy just to be sitting there scoping out the place. So I get up, and that’s when I see her…a pretty redhead who briefly makes eye contact with me from across the room. But is she my type? I don’t know. I’m not even sure I have a type.

I take a deep breath and walk over, but what does she do? She turns and walks away. I try hard not to take that as an immediate rejection. Maybe she didn’t know that I was walking towards her.

Since it’s New Year’s Eve, everyone is feeling generous – so the next thing I know, I have a free drink in my hand. It’s just what I need. I take a big sip for bravery and head over to the redhead. Then, I attempt to introduce myself.

Kai: Hi, I’m –

Suddenly a guy and another lady hurry over.

Lady: Annette! Long time, no see. I didn’t know you’d be here today.

Annette (the redhead): Hey guys! How have you been?

Feeling like an idiot, I try to play it off by taking the closest seat and putting my drink down on the table. Maybe she didn’t notice that I tried to talk to her. At least I know her name now.

Annette: Was there something you were about to say?

I hear the question, but is she talking to her friends or me? I don’t want to turn to face her, embarrassing myself further.

Then I remember my Resolution. If I want to have any hope of making it come true, I’ll have to take some chances – this chance. So I get up and walk over to Annette.

Kai: Hi, I just wanted to introduce myself. I’m Kai.

That didn’t sound so bad. Maybe I can actually do this.

Annette: I’m Annette. Nice to meet you, Kai.

Kai: Is it okay if I give you my number? You can decide whether you want to call or not.

I got that line from my friend, Vern. Hearing him say it to girls at school often sounded incredibly silly to me, but it always seemed to work for him. Then, to my surprise, Annette pulls out her phone.

Annette: Okay

Trying to talk to this girl in front of her friends feels awkward. Maybe she’d be willing to sit outside with me so we can really talk.

Kai: Um, I was about to take a seat outside where it’s quiet. And I was hoping you’d join me – if you don’t mind the cold too much.

Annette looks at her friends and excuses herself. Then she follows me. I lead her towards the door, praying to the Watcher that I don’t trip or something. We make it out the door, and I suddenly have this girl’s full attention. Now I have to figure out what to do with it. Maybe I should have asked Uncle Merit or Pop-pop about this type of thing before I set out to try to make it happen. Luckily, Annette starts the conversation.

Annette: So, Kai. Do you live around here?

This could be a tricky question. Do I want Annette to know that I just graduated high school and still live with my mom and grandfather?  Or do I want to make myself sound more sophisticated than that? After a brief internal debate, I go with the truth.

Kai: I live right up the way, but I’ll be moving to student housing at Foxbury tomorrow for the start of the next term.

Annette seems to like that answer. She pulls out the chair across from me and takes a seat.

Annette: I’m actually in my second term at Foxbury.

Kai: Yeah, I’ve been accepted in the Distinguished Biology program there.

Annette: So, you’re handsome and smart. That’s a great combination.

What do I say to that? That she’s pretty and smart? How would I know if she’s smart or not?

I go with the easy response.

Kai: Uh, thanks. *pause* So, what are you doing tonight – for New Year’s Eve? Wanna hang out?

Annette: Sorry, Kai. I actually have plans for tonight. In fact, I’d better be going soon.

I try to hide my disappointment, but she can hear it in my voice.

Kai: Oh, okay.

Annette: But, I’ll text you my number and you can call me up – after you’re settled in at school and everything.

Kai: Yeah, sure – sounds cool.

Annette gets up to leave.

Annette: Alright, Kai with the pretty eyes. I have to go, but it was nice talking to you. Call me.

How do I respond without sounding too eager?

Kai: Yeah, I will. Thanks

Thanks? Thanks for what? Now I sound stupid. Luckily she walks away before I can embarrass myself further. I hop on my bike and head home feeling pretty optimistic about the upcoming year.

(Generation 3 Chapter Summaries)

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