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Banks Dynasty – Day 29.3 (Part 1)

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Mornings are rough for Me-Me. That’s when nausea and the urge to pee are at their worse – often waking her up from her sleep and making it tough to get the rest she needs. So rather than laying back down, only to be awakened moments later, Me-Me walks across the hall to the nursery.

The nice thing about inheriting a house is that the rooms are decorated and ready to be occupied. This one is her favorite. She’s sure that the baby will love growing up in this room.

Me-Me can already imagine the time she’ll spend here changing diapers, reading, and playing with the baby. She can almost hear the tears and the tantrums, but she’s looking forward to it.

After some time imagining the future, Me-Me returns to her present – which includes some tossing and turning before she finds a comfortable position that’ll allow her to get a few more hours of sleep.

It’s Winterfest, which you’d think would mean that I’d get a day off from school. No such luck – I still have to attend my 8 o’clock class today. I shower, dress, eat and prepare to head off to Britechester.

After Kai has left for class, Me-Me is roused from sleep once again. This time its hunger that has snapped her from her rest. She gets up and gets in the shower and dresses in one of the only outfits that she can still fit over her protruding belly.

I’m back from class with a bit more knowledge. But my work doesn’t stop with attending class. The farm needs tending to, so that’s my next task. I head out back and start the job of pulling weeds and fertilizing plants.

Me–Me helps out by gathering eggs and spending time with the chickens. Then she goes over to her workstation to work on some mechanisms for her job. I’m back doing the one task that I hate more than anything – repairing the windmills. I can’t wait to have the skills and materials needed to upgrade them with more reliable parts. This is getting old.

After a busy morning, it’s now time to prepare to host Winterfest. We’ve invited Ma and Mr. Washington. Uncle Merit, Roni, and their girls. And Me-Me’s sister Lia, who we were surprised to learn is still in town.

Once everyone has gathered, Me-Me and I decide to make our announcement. First, I pull out my laptop and get her parents up on video chat. Then I do my best to call everyone over.

Kai: Hey everyone! Me-Me and I have something that we’d like to tell you.

Just one look at Me-Me, and I’m sure everyone can guess what it is. But there’s nothing quite like knowing for sure.

Jalisa: *on the computer* Merlin, get over here! Me-Me and Kai have something to tell us.

Merlin: *in the background* What is it?

Jalisa: I don’t know! Come sit down so we can find out.

Melisa: *turns to the computer* Mom, dad, Peri, everyone…

Melisa: *continues* Kai, and I are having a baby!

We can hear gasps and shouts of joy coming from the computer.

Jalisa: *on the computer* Did you hear that, Merlin? We’re going to be grandparents. I knew it!

Ma appears frozen in place for a few moments. Then, finally, a few words squeak out.

Prosperity: A baby? Oh, Watcher! I’m going to have a grandchild!

Ma looks down at Me-Me’s belly, and it couldn’t be more obvious. She moves her hands towards it.

Prosperity: May I?

Melisa: Of course!

Ma places her hands on Me-Me’s belly. I don’t know if it’s just my imagination, but I believe I can see tears forming at the corners of her eyes.

Jalisa: *on the computer* You two should have told us earlier! We would have flown out there.

Kai: *to the computer* We didn’t want to inconvenience you since you were just here for our wedding.

Jalisa: Nonsense! When’s the due date? Merlin – buy some tickets. We need to be there for the birth!

Ma is still in awe.

Prosperity: I don’t think I’ve ever been this happy. I’m actually going to be a gran – before I die! I almost didn’t think this day would come for a long time.

(Generation 3 Chapter Summaries)

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