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Banks Dynasty – Day 34.4 (Part 2)

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The plan was to host Tambara’s birthday party outside in the backyard, so I go outside to clean the grill. But the rain persists, so we have no choice but to celebrate inside instead. Maia changes Tami for her party, then starts making a birthday cake.

Clyde is the first guest to arrive. I keep my distance as he walks into the house, looking smug like it belongs to him. Sure, he had much to do with us being here, but we would have eventually found a place with or without him.

He stops to wish Tami a happy birthday and begins a self-guided tour of our place, which ends in the kitchen.

Clyde: Maia girl has done alright for herself.

Maia finishes up the cake and grabs Tami, who’s content with scooting around the hallway. It’s time to blow out the candles. Maia shows Tami how to blow a few times, and it doesn’t take long for her to get the hang of it.

Tami blows and blows, but her tiny breath doesn’t come out forcefully enough to put out the candles, so Maia helps her. Tami seems just as pleased as if she blew them out alone.

Tambara ages up to a toddler (with the Independent aspiration), while my youngest brother Drake, Clyde, and my cousin Brianna and her husband gather around to sing Happy Birthday. Seeing all these adults surrounding Tami makes me wish Luca’s daughter was old enough to attend the party. But I don’t think Tami minds being the only kid here.

For now, Hiro is enough of a playmate for Tami, and I think he prefers being the center of her attention. Tami toddles around after him all over the living room while everyone admires her cute appearance.

As I head into the kitchen to grab something to eat, my cousin Bri comes in after me. Her protruding belly shows that Tami will soon have a younger cousin to play with. From the looks of her, she and Dwight’s new baby should be coming any day now.

Brianna: I miss having you around. We haven’t hung out in forever, but after the baby is born, I promise to come out here to visit as much as I can.

Wade: We’ll also try to visit you guys.

Brianna: We’d love that.

Bri pulls me into a hug.

I’m still a little disappointed that the rain is keeping us inside. The whole idea of moving to San Sequoia was partially because of the nice weather, but we’ve been disappointed so far. We haven’t even had the chance to explore the city because of all the rain.

I get up to turn on the stereo – to give our guests something to do other than sit around staring at one another. As I try to find some party music, I get a text alert on my phone from Ma, letting me know that Mase and Zoe are now engaged. My little brother is moving up in the world. Who would have thought that he’d end up getting married before me? Although I’m extremely happy for them – that is what I tell Ma in a reply text…it makes me even more aware that I need to step up my game.

It’s time for my favorite part of any birthday party – opening gifts. I give Tami her gifts one by one, offering to help her open them, but she protests – insisting on doing it herself. It takes forever, but she eventually manages to get through all of them. She stands there for a few minutes, staring at the pile of empty boxes and, if she’s anything like me – searching for more.

As Tami realizes there are no more presents and walks away, Dwight approaches me.

Dwight: I have something for you. Is there someplace where I can give it to you privately?

I’m a little surprised. Could it be? Did he finally find the gem for Maia’s engagement ring?

Wade: Sure

I lead him down the stairs to the foyer, where he places a box in my hand.

Dwight: I had no luck finding the plumbite gem in the cavern –

My heart deflates a little. I guess I’ll propose to Maia without my dream ring.

Dwight: *continues* So I grew one myself and finally completed the ring.

Again, I’m shocked!

Wade: What?!

I quickly open the box and stare down at Dwight’s latest masterpiece. The ring is ten times more beautiful than I could ever imagine.

Dwight: I hope you don’t mind, but I chose a rose gold setting with a starry sailor design. It felt right since you and Maia met in Brindleton Bay, but if you don’t like it, I can pull the gem out and start again.

Wade: No! Are you kidding me? It’s perfect. Maia is going to love it!

And it is, and I hope she will!

(Generation 4 Chapter Summaries)

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