Tami has school, so we leave Chestnut Ridge early the following day and return home just before sunrise. Everyone seems to be happy to be back. But I’m thrilled because after selling the fruit from the money tree, I realize I’ve completed my aspiration, and I’m now fabulously wealthy! Not only that, I’ve received a massive boost to my social media follower count. I’m well on my way to 2 million followers.
In celebration, I set up my camera to record a new video.
Wade: *to the camera* Good Morning SimTube! It’s your boy Dub. And today I want to talk about the art of making and fulfilling goals. I recently completed another lifetime aspiration, which is exciting in itself. But the key is avoiding complacency and always looking forward, so which aspiration should I pursue next? Be sure to tell me in the comments below. *continues talking*
Tami enters the office while I’m working on my latest video.
Tambara: What’re you doing, daddy?
Wade: I’m editing a video that I just recorded.
Tambara: For SimTube?
Wade: Yep, it’s for SimTube.
I’m a little busy, but I don’t mind the interruption. I’m glad Tami is interested in what I do for a living. Maybe it’ll spark something in her as well. She walks over to look at my camera equipment.
Tambara: Do you record with this camera?
Wade: Exactly! Have you ever seen one of my videos?
Tambara: I think so. Are you SimTube famous?
Wade: I’d like to say so. Do you want to see how I edit?
Tambara: No. I have to go to school now.
Wade: Well, I hope you have a good day today. Maybe I can show you later?
Tambara: Okay, daddy.
Tami walks towards the door.
Tami walks past Maia in the hallway.
Tambara: Bye, mommy! It’s time for school.
Maia: See you later, Tadpole!
Maia’s smile fades as Tami disappears out of the front door. The more challenging part of losing her father is over, but Maia isn’t feeling any better. Instead, her emotions have compounded into new fears and worries. During one of her last conversations with him, he warned her that if she keeps putting off her plans, she’ll soon be too old to pursue them. And she knows he’s right. It’s been years since she’s accomplished anything. She recalls the pride on her father’s face when he came to her frog museum exhibit in Brindleton Bay. She believed it was just the start of the fantastic things she would achieve in her lifetime. But those beliefs have since faded. Her best days will remain behind her unless she does something about it now.
Maia walks over to the computer to search for a new freelance job.
I’ve edited and uploaded my newest video and can see my goals laid out in front of me as I check them off one by one. But a big one on my bucket list is still waiting to be addressed. And I’d need Maia to help it come true. I leave my office to find her and see her sitting at the computer desk in the foyer.
Wade: Hey, babe. Are you busy?
Maia: I was looking at a few freelance gigs, but I have a minute.
I sit down in the chair nearest the desk.
Wade: There was something that I’ve wanted to talk to you about for a while, but it never seemed like the right time. And maybe this isn’t a good time either, but we’ve experienced so much loss lately that I thought maybe…
I realize that I’m rambling, partially because I’m afraid of what she might say… and I’m terrified of things going wrong between us again.
Wade: You know what… I can save it for another time.
Maia: No, it’s okay. What do you want to talk about?
It’s now or never. There’s no room for rambling. I blurt it out.
Wade: How would you feel about us having another baby?
There’s an immediate shift in Maia’s energy, and I regret saying anything. Once again, I miscalculated. Maia walks over to the chair beside me and practically falls into it.
Maia: Another baby?
She repeats it like a foreign concept but says nothing after that. I feel pressure to fill in the gaps left by the silence.
Wade: Yeah, Tami could use someone to play with. And having a new edition in our small family would be nice. We didn’t get to plan for Tami… she just happened. But can you imagine going through the process of actively trying for a baby?
The question hangs there for several minutes. I can almost hear Maia’s brain thinking it over. But then words come out, crumbling my hopes.
Maia: No.
I pause for a moment. No? What does that mean?
Wade: No, to which part?
Maia: All of it, Dub.
I’m in a sunken place, scrambling to climb out.
Wade: So, that’s it? There’s no room for discussion.
Maia: I don’t know who I am right now, Dub. I’ve lost sight of that. What even is my purpose?
Wade: You can still live out your purpose, even with-
Maia: How Dub? I haven’t completed one thing since Tami was born. I want to take on freelance gigs. There was a time when I used to go dumpster diving to find discarded items to turn into something beautiful and new. I want to open my food stand. We talked about that before we got married, remember? But it still hasn’t happened. And it never will if we have another baby.
Wade: It wouldn’t just be on you. We’d be in it together. I’d be taking care of the baby as much as you.
Maia: Would you? Because you haven’t missed a beat with your career. I’ve missed everything.
Now is not the time to tell her about my completed aspiration. Maybe I should have waited to upload the video. I feel bad, never realizing that she felt this way.
Wade: I’m sorry, babe. I never should have brought it up. But, I’m wondering, and forgive me if this isn’t the time to ask…is it ‘no’ forever?
Maia’s face crumbles with anger. If I could take the question back, I would. But is it that bad of an ask?
Maia: I have a job I need to complete.
I observe her as she gets out of the chair and returns to her computer, leaving me with my question unanswered. But then again, she gave me her answer- with an oversized period.
I figure the best thing I can do is give her space. I change into my workout clothes and walk out the door for a jog. These days, it seems that everything I do is a wrong move. Is there something wrong with asking your wife about having another baby? Was I supposed to know what’s been on her mind lately? I’m confused and a little hurt. Are more kids totally out of the question for us? I feel like I should be talking to someone with more experience with marriage and relationships. Did my mother and father ever go through anything like this? I wish I had asked him. I pick up speed and hurry down the block.
Maia is left feeling worse by the conversation with Dub. They never really talked about more kids. Why would he bring it up now? Tami will be a teenager in a few days. There’s no way Maia wants to start over with another baby. Not when she’s trying to get the ground back up under her feet. She needs a gig and she needs one now!
Maia completes two things before leaving the house. First, she finds the perfect gig to work on with a client who’s surprisingly familiar with some of Maia’s prior work. It’s shocking because it’s been so many years since she’s done anything.
Second, she comes up with a goal for her bucket list… the first step towards coming up with a life mission. Maia wants to be a role model for Tami and teach her certain things as she approaches her teen years and starts moving closer to young adulthood. She wants Tami to see value in hard work… as Maia did growing up. Sure, she and Dub have way more money than Maia could have ever dreamed of having as a child. And it will belong to Tami one day. But does that mean that Tami should sit back like a spoiled princess with no goals of her own? No! Maia refuses to let that happen.
Step one to showing Tami a different way is to apply to operate the food stand at the Manzanita Public Market, which Maia does.
Maia receives a text from her new client as she’s walking through the market. The art of throwing ideas back-and-forth lights a new spark within her. This project is going to be fun. Now, all there is to do is get started. She walks towards the market’s public recycling machine and fabricator. If she’s going to complete this project on time, she’ll need plenty of materials.
The problem with using public machinery is that it’s there for everyone. There’s a lady already using the fabricator, so Maia has to wait.
Lady #1: I’m sorry. Do you need to use this?
Maia: Yeah, but there’s no rush.
Lady #1: I’m just finishing up, and it’ll be all yours.
As promised, the lady completes her project and walks away, leaving the machine free for Maia’s use. But that doesn’t last for long.
Maia finishes her first lamp but has two more to go. She’s standing back, admiring her work, when another lady steps behind her.
Lady #2: Beautiful work! You’re very skilled.
Maia: Thank you!
She’d almost forgotten the feeling of having someone else look at one of her creations with awe.
Lady #2: You’ve been doing this for a while. I can tell!
Maia: I’m out of practice, but I started fabricating years ago.
Lady #2: No, I mean using the machine. If you’re finished, there are several of us waiting.
Maia turns and sees three ladies, all standing around waiting for her to get off the machine. Why is the fabricator suddenly so popular? At this rate, she’ll never finish this gig. She never had this problem back at the Skills Academy. Now she’s on a roll, getting back into her rhythm, but has to stop and walk away from her work.
(Generation 4 Chapter Summaries)
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