Ma greets me with a long tight hug when she joins us in the kitchen moments later. It’s one of those hugs you give someone before leaving for a long trip. I don’t question her, but it feels special somehow. I take Dray out of his high chair and change…
Posts published in “Banks Dynasty”
It’s the middle of the night, so Me-Me gives baby Dray one last late-night feeding. Then he ages up to a toddler (with the Wild aspiration). Me-Me is extra tired, so I take it upon myself to make sure Dray gets a bedtime story and is tucked away, in bed,…
Mo and I finish our workout as Mase and Perla come from another part of the yard and crawl into the play tent. They immediately grab a few dolls and begin to act out scenarios. Around the same time, Me-Me arrives home from work and comes outside to get Drake.…
As soon as Mase arrives home with Peri, he joins Perla and Dub on the couch. But Dub and Perla are still in the middle of their conversation, so they don’t notice him immediately. Mase waves and makes his presence known. Mason: Hi. Do you remember me? I’m Mase. Perla…
Peri and Mase arrive at the art center. Peri’s friend Kimmie is there to greet them. She and Peri are still honoring their agreement to meet at least once weekly. Prosperity: *to Kimmie* This is my grandson, Mason. Today is his birthday. *to Mason* Mason, this is my good friend,…
I get up early to prepare a cake for Mase’s birthday. Me-Me has to be at work, and Dub has school today, so we want to get the celebrations out of the way early. We light the candles on the cake and wait for Mase to come downstairs. Meanwhile, ma…
Me-Me goes outside to put her newly learned robotics skills to the test. Her work on a new Fix-It bot is successful until she accidentally crosses the wrong wire and a big electrical surge shocks her enough to make her dizzy. She decides to give it a rest for the…
I return from my jog with Belle to find Mase and Dub outside enjoying some quality time with their grandparents. I love seeing it! I walk over, and Jalisa pulls me into a big hug. Jalisa: It’s so good to see you! Kai: It’s always good to see you too.…
I can tell that Dub is displeased by the way he stomps down the stairs and into the kitchen. So after we’ve sat down to eat, I try to get him to talk about it. Kai: Are you upset about something, Dub? Wade: *obviously angry* No Kai: If that’s not…
Me-Me doesn’t want to have this baby at home, and when I ask why her explanation is straightforward. Melisa: Drugs, Kai. I can’t do this again. I need drugs! I don’t argue. I abandon my sandwich and head upstairs to change while she texts her parents to let them know…