Peri is sitting on the couch talking to Merit and his family. Prosperity: Terra reminds me so much of ma. Terra: I do? I remind you of my gran? Prosperity: You do. I just wish she had the chance to meet you. Veronica: I wish both of your grandmothers had…
Posts published in “Banks Dynasty”
Ma walks over and pulls me into her arms. Prosperity: I’m incredibly proud of you, son! Kai: But I haven’t done anything. Me-Me is the one doing all the work. Prosperity: But you’re here for her. You’ll never understand what it must be like for her to have you here…
Mornings are rough for Me-Me. That’s when nausea and the urge to pee are at their worse – often waking her up from her sleep and making it tough to get the rest she needs. So rather than laying back down, only to be awakened moments later, Me-Me walks across…
All I manage to find is a Winterfest Tree with decorations. Unfortunately, there are no holiday reefs, rugs, or festive table centerpieces, so this will have to do. I’ve done my best, I just hope that Me-Me likes what I did outside. She enters the house and seems happy to…
Aching breasts, clinging fatigue, and an unrelenting bout of morning sickness greet Me-Me in the morning. She knows that pregnancy is the probable cause of her symptoms. She knew that immediately after her wedding night, but fear has stopped her from confirming it. Now, taking a pregnancy test only verifies…
Lia thought she’d be spending her last day in Tartosa at the beach, but the rain has been relentless. She’s on her way back to her rental when she suddenly hears a male voice calling out her father’s name. Male: *strong Tartosan accent* Merlin! Merlin! Where are you, boy? Lia…
I stay in bed as long as I can, but unfortunately, the following day is the start of my last college term. My college professors won’t care that I just got married. So I have to get up, get a bit of reading done, and get to class if I…
Suddenly, she’s there – standing next to her father. He whispers something quietly to her, and she smiles that smile that won my heart on day 1. My eyes begin to sting from trying to hold back tears. Finally, my bride is here – and she takes my breath away.…
Ma and Lia arrive first thing in the morning to kidnap Me-Me and take her to Ma’s stylist to get her ready for today. According to ma, it’s bad luck to see the bride before the wedding, so I guess it’s lucky that I’m still asleep when Me-Me gets up…
Uncle M and I spend several hours on the beach while ma and Me-Me search for a venue. After they accomplish the task, we part ways and head home. Me-Me and I are surprised to see her sister, Lia, standing outside when we arrive. Melisa: Lia! What are you doing…