We leave the rental and head up a hill, but Merlin stops when he sees what I’m wearing. Merlin: Son, you’ll freeze to death wearing that! Let’s go back to the rental and find you something more suitable to wear. I actually thought I was bundled up enough, but apparently,…
Posts published in “Banks Dynasty”
Yesterday proved to be a long day for me, so I’m one of the last ones up the following day. But I’m anxious to get ready and start this Mt. Komorebi vacation. Because, who knows what we’ll find to get into today. I make my way down and greet the…
It’s the last morning of me waking up in student housing and living with four other guys. It’s also my last day living a carefree college life. Although I still have one more term left in school, things are about to get real. But I try to put it all…
It’s 8 o’clock, and Me-Me and I are at the ruins, along with the rest of the party guests. I have a gift for her. I wish we were alone, but I have no choice but to present it to her in front of everyone. Kai: This is for you!…
Change is all around me. It’s happening so fast, and there’s no way to stop it or slow it down. I can either go along with it or let it run me over. Me-Me graduates today, and with it comes the time to make some significant decisions. I’m ready –…
We arrive at the Old Quarter Restaurant at eight on the dot. I walk in, planning to sit next to Me-Me, but Jamelia and Jalin take those seats, so I end up next to Jalin and their mom. The waitress arrives… Merlin: Order what you want within reason. This one…
I’m up first thing in the morning putting the finishing touches on my presentation. Then I get dressed and join the family downstairs for breakfast. Since everyone is there, I figure it’s a great time to ask for advice. Kai: So – I meet Me-Me’s parents today. Any advice? I…
My day starts with a brief morning jog and a class at 11. After that, I take a break to have lunch with Me-Me and my friends at the Commons and then attend my 3 o’clock class. After all of that, I receive a text from ma. Prosperity’s Text: Stop…
I never intended on confronting my friend Lil, but when I happen to see her on campus the next day – I can’t help but approach her to find out why she would do what she did last night. Liliana: Hey Kai, what’s up? Kai: Nothing much. What’s up with…
Me-Me chooses to stay, and I’m glad she does. We spend the rest of the night into the early morning talking about everything, particularly our families and desires for the future. Kai: Have you told your family about me? Melisa: Of course, I talk about you so much; they practically…