It’s Egg Day, which means nothing because I still have classes and a presentation due today. So I grab a quick breakfast to take on the go and head to my first class. On top of all the school work, I’m also due to meet my family in Willow Creek…
Posts published in “Banks Dynasty”
We sit there staring at each other, happy to be starting a relationship. We kiss once again, but being alone in her room together provides more opportunity. Our mouths become more intense – exploring, hungry. I want to be closer to her, so I begin to remove her top. And…
The time spent with Melisa yesterday feels like a pleasant dream that I have to work extra hard to recall, because grief hits me hard and heavy when I wake up the following day. I try and pull myself together as much as I can while preparing a breakfast of…
Melisa is sitting down eating pasta when I enter. I grab a plate and sit down with her. A sudden bout of distress and guilt strikes me. Since Melisa has been here, I’ve forgotten all about being sad for Pop-pop. I mean, he’s still on my mind, but the heaviness…
Returning to campus feels like dragging a hundred-pound weight on my chest. I can’t breathe, and all I want to do is go back home to ma, climb into my loft bed, and cry. But I started something that I have to finish. Pop-pop would have insisted. So here am…
Alida’s story wouldn’t have been the same without Quincy Wade Jr. (Day 12 – Day 8.3). His calm, relaxed demeanor was the perfect contrast to Alida’s more forceful ways. Together they did a fantastic job of raising the next two generations. A fitness enthusiast, music producer, and freelance photographer –…
Meanwhile, in Strangerville… Kai’s Uncle Merit and his long-time girlfriend, Roni, sit at home just after midnight – seemingly too tired to go to bed. Veronica: You’re quiet tonight. Merit: I’ve run out of things to say. Veronica: *deep sigh* Roni gets up and takes a few steps closer. Veronica:…
I’m incredibly nervous as I step towards her. If I ask for her number and she says no – I’ll be crushed. And what if she has a boyfriend? I haven’t seen her with any guys here on campus, but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t have anyone waiting back home…
I wake up in desperate need of a shower after having a series of interesting dreams last night. It might be time also to change my sweaty sheets, but that’ll have to wait until later, or I’ll be late for class. A few of my roommates are already up when…
At least, I think I’m ready until I walk around the corner and see Melisa sitting there at my usual table. How many times can I approach her in one day without seeming weird? So I pretend not to see her and sit down at the other end of the…