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28 Blind Dates: After the Costumes Part Summaries

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Now that the Blind Date Challenge is over, the real journey begins. Jalisa and Merlin fell in love without seeing each other. Now that the costumes are off, they must learn to live and build a life. But is their love strong enough to keep them together?

(Note: Merlin was created by @wabadebadooblr​)

Below you will find links and summaries to each part of their story…

Part 1- 1st Day Living Together: Jalisa and Merlin are home from their final challenge date and are now learning to build a home together.

Part 2 – Work and Finances: Merlin discovers how free Jalisa is with her spending.

Part 3 – Vacation Time and Wedding Plans: Jalisa is impatient to begin planning their wedding, but Merlin comes up with the perfect solution.

Part 4 -The Wedding Gift: Merlin and Jalisa arrive in Mt. Komorebi, where they receive a generous wedding gift.

Part 5 – And the Two Shall Become One: It’s Jalisa and Merlin’s wedding day.

Part 6 – Bamboo Forest: The newlyweds, Merlin and Jalisa, explore the Bamboo Forest and have an important discussion.

Part 7 – Mountain Adventure: The couple heads up the mountain to try snowboarding, but it proves to be a bit much for Jalisa.

Part 8 – No Test Needed: Back at the cabin, Jalisa shares some good news with Merlin.

Part 9 – Morning, Noon, and Night Sickness: Jalisa suffers from severe morning sickness that lasts all day.

Part 10 – “We’re Having What?”:  A visit to a birthing center leads to a huge surprise for Merlin and Jalisa.

Part 11 – Three Babies: Merlin tries to get used to the idea of expecting three babies while Jalisa explores baby names.

Part 12 – The Final Countdown: Jalisa gives Merlin the motivation he needs to complete the babies’ bedroom on time.

Part 13 – Spooky Fest Birthday: It’s a Spooky Fest, and the triplets decide to make their debut!

Part 14 – Exhausted:  Merlin learns the true definition of exhaustion as he stays up all night with the babies.

Part 15 – Three Against Two: Merlin and Jalisa are outnumbered, and Jalisa feels it’s time to get some help.

Part 16 – Nanny for Hire: The search for a nanny begins. (*this post includes a poll)

Part 17 – Three Toddlers and Two Tired Parents: The triplets age up!

Part 18 – The Toddler Years (1): The new nanny arrives just in time as Merlin returns to work.

Part 19 – The Toddler Years (2): It’s a hectic morning, with the triplets, for Jalisa and Merlin.

Part 20 –  The Toddler Years (2.5): Brock finds it hard to take the entire day off and not help out with the triplets.

Part 21 – The Toddler Years (3): Brock starts his first day caring for the triplets full time, while Jalisa is promoted at her job.

Part 22 – The Toddler Years (4): The triplets enjoy a snowy day with their nanny, Brock.

Part 23 – Birthdays and Family Pics: The triplets age up to children.

Part 24 –Snow Fun With Dad: Merlin and the triplets have fun in the snow.

Part 25 – Winterfest 1: The family begins their Winterfest celebrations.

Part 26 – Winterfest 2: The Winterfest celebrations continue with a couple of surprise visitors.

Part 27 – First Day of School (1): The triplets begin their first day of school.

Part 28 – First Day of School (2): The triplet’s 1st day of school ends with Jalisa and Merlon both feeling under the weather.

Part 29 – Egg Day (1): Merlin has news for Jalisa, and the triplets go off in search of Egg Day treats.

Part 30 – Egg Day (2): Merlin distracts the triplets with a fun activity.

Part 31- The Business Trip – Day 1 (1): The family arrives in Mt. Komorebi.

Part 32 – The Business Trip – Day 1 (2): Merlin collects a few more bumps and bruises at the Festival of Snow.

Part 33 – The Business Trip – Day 2 (1): Jalisa takes the triplets to the Youth Festival. Later, the family tries snowboarding.

Part 34 – The Business Trip – Day 2 (2): The family tries snowboarding.

Part 35 – The Business Trip – Day 3 (1): Merlin and Jalisa have their first big argument.

Part 36 – The Business Trip – Day 3 (2): The family enjoys their last hike in Mt. Komorebi.

Part 37 – Teen Birthday Party (1): The triplets age up to teens!

Part 38 – Teen Birthday Party (2): Jamelia discovers that Melisa might have a little crush.

Part 39 – Moody Teens: It’s the triplet’s first day of high school, and they all seem to be extra moody.

Part 40 – Blast From the Past: Jalisa finishes up a work assignment and runs into an old friend.

Part 41 – Temptation: Jalisa finds herself in a sticky situation.

Part 42 – Fessing Up: Jalisa tells Merlin all about her meet-up with Nate.

Part 43 – Diving for Thrills: Merlin and Jalisa try something new to spice up their relationship.

Part 44 – “We Need to Talk”: Jalisa sits Merlin down for a much-needed discussion.

Part 45 – Valid Argument: Jalisa offers a solution to Jalin.

Part 46 – Jalin: Jay enjoys the perks of having his own bedroom.

Part 47 – Jamelia: Lia takes a chance and possibly discovers a new passion.

Part 48 – Melisa: Me-Me looks to start an afterschool garden club.

Part 49 – Future Plans: Merlin and Jalisa ask the triplets about their plans for the future.

Part 50 – Fed Up & Exhausted: The girls struggle through one of their last days of high school.

Part 51 – Next Steps (1): Lia, Merlin, and Jalisa take a tour of the Skills Academy.

Part 52 – Next Steps (2): The tour of the Skills Academy continues.

Part 53 –Family Moments (1): Jalisa checks in on Jay in his bedroom and is unhappy with what she sees.

Part 54 – Family Moments (2): Jalisa and Merlin enjoy spending time with the triplets before becoming empty nesters.

Part 55 – Welcome to Young Adulthood (1): The triplets age up to young adults!

Part 56 – Welcome to Young Adulthood (2): The triplets set off on their life paths, and the Blind Date Challenge comes to an end!

The End

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